Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Viet Day!

One of the amazing things about this family is the degree to which the multicultural nature has become a total non-issue. I was thinking about this last Saturday when we spent virtually the whole day with the Viet kids and families. I feel very lucky and blessed to have such a great family, and all the diversity that occurs as a result.

We started late morning with a Birthday Party for Jacob. He is Hai and Kyle's little guy. Way cute and pretty dang precocious. The party took place at this giant warehouse that had huge play toys in it.

And what do you eat at a Viet B-Day party? Why pizza of course!

The guy was way excited about his cake, and got a little ahead of himself!

He still couldn't take his eyes off of it however and was pretty excited about blowing out the candles. The "blow out" was accompanied by a fair amount of saliva which just added to the flavor of the cake!

Good thing his sisters Kasandra (KC) and Theresa were there to clean him up.

I caught Hai several times holding someone else's baby! What do you think folks, who is for another try by Hai and Kyle!

It has really been fun to spend time with these guys this last year or so as they enjoy the fun of beginning a family! Notice the great teeth! Dr. Kyle is fixing us all up!

So the next event was a Chinese/Vietnamese New Year Party at a local restaurant. Hoa is from a small village (Cau Da) just south of Nha Trang in Vietnam. Chuong, Cuong and Chinh are from another small village just over the hill from there and knew many of the people in that village as boys. For a number of years, the immigrants from this village have gotten together from time to time and collected money for the less fortunate back home. These are not rich folks. for the most part these are blue-collar workers many in construction. They have some of the greatest hearts I have ever seen, and wonderful families.

Hoa was in charge of the Dragon Dance. This is traditionally part of the fundraiser, as those attending feed the dragon with red envelopes containing money. Our grandson Dillon was one of the clowns who taunts the dragon as it winds its way through the crowd.

Dillon is in the mask on the left.

Hoa takes the drumming pretty serious. (As he does much of life!) His efforts are really blessing a lot of lives.

All of the Viet functions tend to be chaotic! Kids running everywhere, everyone talking at once. It really feels like a party.

I really respect Su Lu, the mother of Chuong, Cuong and Chinh. She works hard to make sure her children and grandchildren are able to take advantage of the opportunities they have and get the education they desire. She even takes English classes and is really getting good.

Who wouldn't love this bunch! How lucky we are.


paula said...


Caitlin said...

looks like tons of fun!!!!!