Saturday, September 12, 2009

Birthday's and Playday's

Last Saturday we celebrated 2 birthday's. Liyan Pham is 14! Sam (Moose) Vial is 1!

Anybody who missed Liyan's party missed some great tasting Pho', and trust me Thuy knows how to make it!

Meanwhile, at Sam's party, Monica Smith (Vial) had Oakley who is about a month away from being 1.

The Star of cours was Moose, who made short work of his birthday cake.

Mom and Dad were pretty excited about the celebration.

Great Grandpa was bouncing several babies!

And Felix, who is also approaching 1 was there to get warmed up with his dad!

Grandma Eva with Oakley!

Today the next generation of fast little soccer player's was showing his stuff.

Dad Hoa is coach, but it really comes natural to Dillan.

He will not get beat!

Even with they are much larger than him.

It's all in the arms.

One last shot of Dad and Sam.

Obligatory bird.

Obligitory Blog bird 2.


Darilyn said...

OKay, the obligatory birds are cracking me up. And the pictures truly reflect what fun times you have with your family. Not sure how you balance it all. But you do seem to have fun and work hard at the same time.

Alicia Vial Beesley said...

What a party that was! wish I could have been to both of them!