Sunday, March 29, 2009

Way Cute Grandbabies

Maddie who is always a bit shy when we first are around each other. I don't know what it is with the hands on the head, but Anders does the same thing.

Meanwhile back in Oregon at the Rainbow House, Ava and Jacob found a swivel chair and are having a great time together!

Sierra clearly loves to entertain the sister and the cousin. This was Jacob's first visit to Grandma's new house.

This was the scene within minutes of Jacob and Hai showing up for the first visit.

It was cold in Vermont so most of the time spent there was indoors. Here Grandma, Maddie and Eddie are all playing piano together.

Anders was bored however, so we decided to go birding. Maddie of course had to join us. Notice the cute little shoes and leggings for the snow.

Anders was a great brother though and made sure she saw the birds as well.

They had a couple of secrets that I wasn't in on. I suspect they wanted to see a bird that Grandpa hadn't.

They really love the trail up behind the Parrish House. Anders knows right where to find the birds.

He always has his book with him. Maybe someday I will tell him it's a UK book with virtually no birds from Vermont in it.

No matter. He is really proud of it and refers to it often to identify the birds behind the house.

It is great to have a birding companion like Anders, and I am betting that when I can't see any more he will be there to find them for me!

Seriously cute grandchildren.


Darilyn said...

I love this post. You can tell how much you love your grandchildren and how special they are to you. I love that you see the little things in their personalities.

Christian and Kennebec Vial said...

ooo! I love the pictures! That's awesome that Anders likes birding so much! I secretly think that Chris is starting to get into it too, but I don't think he'll admit if for awhile :) Looks like Vermont was way fun!

Chelle said...

Those are great pictures, that lens is incredible.

I forgot what bird you added to your life list on that adventure up the trail. Which one was it?

It's crazy within days of you guys leaving all that snow melted away.

paula said...

I think I can hear Anders talking to Maddie here. The pictures are so captivating.
I can also here and see the kids turning the chair around and around as fast as CC could go.....
Great job at capturing the activity...Love YA

Alicia Vial Beesley said...

AWESOME!!!! I have the cutest nieces and nephews in the world!!! Thanks for posting these!