Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Anders Family

Anders is in Kindergarten. For the next 12 years his parents are going to find that their lives are going to revolve around him and of course the two twirps coming up behind him. It is really fun though as our home in Windsor is right across the street from the school and a couple minute walk to the rec center where they play basketball on the weekends.

Of course playing in the stands is almost as fun as the game.

When you are not sure what to do, grab that shirt and chew!

And if everyone else has their hands up, for heaven sakes, get yours up!

Be sure you know which direction the play is!

And even if it is by accident, setting a pick is a good move!

Of course the most important equipment for basketball it the Gatorade!

And if you get hurt, it is a good idea to have mom around to encourage continued participation.

Of course he learned everything he knows from his dad Brig.

Or maybe his Uncle Mike. Wait, is Mike actually taking a shot off the same foot as the hand he is shooting with? Weird!

Maybe someday he will learn to leap like his Uncle Brady!

It's awesome when your Uncle Mario, Aunt Angie and their new little one Joshua are in the cheering section.

Josh even whistled! (Isn't that what he is doing?)

Then there was the play that Ander's class did called the Mitten. Each of his classmates were one of the animals that crawled into the Mitten to stay warm.

Anders was a fox!

I mean that was the part he was playing.

At the end of the play, all the animals hold their breath in order to fit into the mitten. Anders was a little late on the uptake.

Dad and Eddie were loving the play.

After the play, it was Ander's turn for show and tell. He featured his buddy and brother Eddie!

Later in the week, his class participated in the school program. Don't try to find Anders however, he got bummed about wearing the wrong shirt and never made it to the stage.

His poor teacher was looking all over for him. The next day I talked to him and he really missed Anders.


The Thomas Family said...

Soooo fun! It must be wonderful to have a second home. Chelle and Brig's home looks beautiful.

LOVED the basketball commentary. You're funny. What cute kids!

Alicia Vial Beesley said...

VERY FUN! Thanks for the pictures of Anders on the court! What a stud.

Chelle said...

I love the post, you always get such great shots. Thanks.